Code of Conduct Policy
Dress Code
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
Fire Action & First Aid
Safeguarding Adults Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Social Media Policy
Poor Visibility Policy
Health & Safety
Fire Evacuation
From time to time we need to carry out fire evacuation drills. We would appreciate it if members and visitors who may be in the clubhouse during one of these drills, would please follow instructions from the staff and evacuate the building immediately. Please then assemble at the fire assembly point which is in the car park opposite the clubhouse.
Fog & Lightning
In the event of an electrical storm, suspend play immediately and take appropriate action. (Rule 6-8a applies).
Only the clubhouse and halfway house are suitable to shelter from electrical storms.
Do not commence or continue play in fog/poor visibility, when you cannot see the clear distance of your intended shot.
Green Staff: Have priority at all times
Players should always alert greens staff nearby or ahead when they are about to make a stroke that might endanger them and wait for staff to move out of range.
To ensure the safety of all golf course users, buggy drivers are required to comply with the club's buggy policy and follow designated buggy routes at all times. Take particular care on slopes and around ditches and deep-sided bunkers.
The Course and Public Footpath
The course, its steps and surfaces may be slippery when damp or wet. Golfers must ensure to wear appropriate footwear to meet the prevailing conditions.
Wherever possible, keep to footpaths & steps.
Care should be taken on steep banks and when entering and leaving deep-sided bunkers.
Priority must be given to path and bridleway users at all times. Players must not play shots until the way ahead is clear.
First Aid
Assistance is available in the clubhouse.
Golfers, please be reminded:
Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.
Players should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club. the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like when they make a stroke or practice swing.
If a player plays a ball in a direction where there is a danger of hitting someone, they should immediately shout a warning. The traditional word of warning in such situations is "FORE!"
On hearing "Fore!" - Crouch, cover your head with your arms and count to 10.
Players are reminded of the need to shout "fore!" if you cannot see the full range of any wayward shot onto adjacent fairways.
You are advised to carry a mobile phone to summon assistance in an emergency.
Ring 999 for an ambulance, ambulance access is via the car park or Drury Lane.
All accidents must be reported to the Golf Office.